SINGER David Graham is belting out a vital message for more than 4,000 pupils in a glitzy anti-drugs campaign.

Children from schools throughout Sunderland and Washingon are attending concerts at the Empire Theatre, Sunderland, organised by Northumbria Police, the Youth Impact Project and Crime-stoppers.

The event started yesterday and will be completed today with David on stage twice daily to press home the importance of the Crimestoppers Snap campaign - Say No And Phone 0800 555 111.

David, 22, has taken part in concerts across the country over the past three years to help Crime-stoppers turn young people away from drugs and the dangers they create.

PCs Neill Wrightson, Ian Brunskill and Linda Nicholson, youth issues officers, said there had already been a big response from schools in the area for the event, which was open to all year six pupils, aged ten and 11.

PC Wrightson said: "It is vital that youngsters are given knowledge about drugs and the courage and support they need to reject drugs.

"Many come under peer pressure to try drugs. This campaign encourages them to just say no and do something to put the drug pushers out of business.