AFTER journeys spanning thousands of miles, six works of art forging far-flung friendships have all arrived in Durham City.

The international project began at the Alington House Quilters group, Durham, where the 25 members came up with a way of marking the millennium.

After meeting quilters from other countries, the local needlewomen contacted groups in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Sweden.

It was agreed that each country should begin with a 2ft square work which would then be sent in turn to all of the others taking part, for each group to add its own panel.

The result is a collection of six quilts, portraying each nation.

The craft odyssey began last year and has been completed in time for an exhibition at Alington House on Saturday, July 1 between 10am and 4pm.

The display will include other quilts, quilting demonstrations and a raffle for another quilt.

Group member Ruby Hall said the the project had been made possible thanks to a grant from the Millennium Awards 4 All Fund.