KIRKBY Malzeard Millennium festival starts this weekend, and carries on through the week, finishing with a gala on Sunday, July 2.

On Saturday, Welsh male voice choir Cor Godre'r Aran comes to St Andrew's Church, at 7pm. Tickets are £10 including refreshments, and are available from Kirkby Malzeard post office, or by telephoning (01765) 658636.

On Sunday, there is a service in the grounds of Fountains Abbey, at 3pm, led by local clergy with special guest preacher the Archbishop of York, and singing by local people and schoolchildren.

Other plans for the week-long celebration include a guided heritage walk, musical performances in the mechanics' institute and a children's disco.

On Saturday, July 1, there is a summer ceilidh with the Malt Kiln band in the mechanics' institute at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 or £14 for a family. A pie and peas supper is included.

Sunday, July 2, sees the last event, the Highside Playing Fields Association summer gala.

Floats will leave the market cross at 1.30pm, and the gala will be officially opened at 2pm.

Events include dog agility and a pet show, to include the challenge cup. It will be judged by the RSPCA, and entry forms are available from Kirkby Stores.

New this year is a recycled sculpture competition, a slow bike race, and a birds of prey demonstration.