HOTELIER Bill Ward has a new take on executive stress relief for anyone staying at his hotel - a room with a moo.

He says it's no bull because guests can look after one of his Aberdeen angus herd as a great way to relax by washing, feeding and generally looking after a cow.

Bill, 49, says: "I've kept cattle for many years and I find it very relaxing to go out and be with them. You have to be calm when around the animals and other guests over the years have thought so too.

"Because we are starting to get some conference trade, I thought it would be a good thing to offer something different, especially for over-stressed executives.

Visitors who take up the offer at Dunsley Hall Hotel, near Whitby, North Yorkshire, can also take away photographs of themselves with the cattle and also tape recordings of their chosen cow.

Bill adds: "Guests can come around the 30-strong herd with me, either before or after breakfast and help with things like feeding. We also have some show cattle which quite enjoy being washed and groomed."