A TEENAGE girl who snatched a pensioner's purse may be implicated in a string of other offences.

Cleveland Police say the slim blonde got into a getaway car which was involved in a hit-and-run accident on Teesside earlier this month and in similar bag snatches in North Yorkshire.

On Tuesday, the 18-year-old stopped and asked a 77-year-old woman for change, on Ormesby Road, at its junction with Cargo Fleet Lane, Middlesbrough.

When the pensioner drew her purse from her handbag, the thief made a grab for it.

Cleveland Police say a struggle ensued and the girl snatched the purse, knocking her victim off balance.

The woman fell to the ground, hitting her head, while the pony-tailed thief, who was wearing a lilac T-shirt, escaped in a blue Volvo 340 saloon, registration number D286 EDC, which was driven by a man.

A police spokesman said: "It is believed this vehicle has been involved in similar snatches in the Whitby area, and a hit-and-run accident in Guisborough."

A woman pedestrian received hospital treatment for minor injuries after being knocked down by the car, on Hutton Lane, Guisborough, on June 11.

Any witnesses to the purse snatch, or anyone with information about the girl or car, should contact Cleveland Police on(01642) 303126.