A COUNTY councillor will today urge his colleagues to reject plans for a traffic light junction between a housing development and a busy road.

Members of Durham County Council's Highways Committee will visit Rainton Lodge, West Rainton, where Wimpey Homes and Bryant Homes want to build 193 houses.

The developers are proposing to put up traffic lights at the junction of the development and the busy A690 Durham to Sunderland road. Villagers are angry because a planning inspector ruled in 1991 that a graded junction, such as an underpass, was needed to maintain road safety.

Highways officials recommended last week that the committee approve the scheme despite a protest by residents.

But local councillor Ron Morrissey persuaded colleagues to defer a decision until they had visited the site.

The visit takes place today, after which they will consider whether to follow officials' recommendation. Councillor Morrissey said he would be urging the committee to reject the traffic light proposals.

"To give approval would be flying in the face of the Government minister and inspector's recommendation for a grade-separated junction.

"Along with the people of West Rainton, I think that if these houses go ahead there should be an underpass.

"The traffic lights would be significantly cheaper than the £2m a separated junction would cost. What residents are saying is that it is not so good on a busy road with a blind summit. Traffic has increased by 2,000 vehicles a day since 1991."

Coun Morrissey said the developers had offered "planning gain" in the form of road improvements, the traffic lights and a £500,000 contribution to a proposed rail interchange at Carrville.

"It will sway some, but our view is you should treat the junction entirely on its own merits," he said.