THOUSANDS of council tenants across north Derwentside hailed a new deal with the council this week.

The council has agreed to provide funding for residents' groups; establish performance targets for work in people's homes and to monitor work; and set up a new appeals procedure for dealing with complaints.

In return, new and established tenants' groups will have to help ensure areas are kept tidy, and that they keep in touch with residents.

The agreement, called the tenant and resident compact, is Derwentside District Council's response to Government demands to improve services to council tenants and other residents.

Other aspects of the compact include a newsletter being sent to all residents, and a resident involvement website where people can register complaints and offer advice.

New tenants resource and information officer at the council, Paul Foy, said the main aim of the schemes was to stop difficulties arising, and increase residents' involvement in housing issues.

He said: "We want to offer support to residents and for them to become involved with improving the area. We have consulted with as many people as possible and this isn't the end. It is an on-going process."

Council leader Alex Watson said the system had previously been failing tenants and other residents in key areas.

He said: "Residents from across the district will now be able to share experiences at regular meetings. Another important aspect will be the way we monitor the system to ensure new problems don't arise in future."