AROUND 20 organisations are keen to deliver Business Link services in the Tees Valley and County Durham.

The organisations have responded to the Government's call for expressions of interest in providing the new Small Business Service franchises in the areas.

Business Links provide business advice and support to small and medium sized business. The SBS is part of the Government's drive to improve the overall quality of business support available to SMEs

The existing Business Links, Tees Valley and Country Durham, failed in their attempts to win the SBS franchises, although the reasons why were not revealed by the SBS. Both Business Links are resubmitting their bids.

"We are going through the bids and those organisations which have provided good submissions will be invited to a briefing on June 26," said SBS spokesman Chris Glover.

"They will then be required to give a presentation in September."

Business Links were established approximately five years ago to provide advice and support to SMEs across the country, with each area having its own Business Link. The new, improved Business Links will be up and running in April, 2001.

The new SBS is being headed up by David Irwin who, until early this year was the director of Project North East.