A SHOWCASE of designs by talented students have been on display at Teesside University.

More than 100 exhibits have featured work by final-year design students.

Work in the exhibition includes some by Gavin Bell, of Hartlepool, a 31-year-old former professional musician, who is studying graphic design. He has produced Humbuckerr, an interactive CR-Rom guide to playing the electric guitar.

Nicholas White, 28, and industrial design student from Castle Eden, has designed the Trick Deck, a 33cc engine lightweight scooter for after-school and weekend activities for youngsters. He said that for today's sophisticated youngsters, it combined motor skills with fresh air.

Vanessa Marshall, a 20-year-old design marketing student, of Heighington, County Durham, said her project was aimed at encouraging youngsters to adopt healthy eating habits through a poster and leaflet campaign.

Art and design courses at the university has just been awarded 22 marks out of 24 by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.