A WOMAN told a court yesterday that she was torn between loyalty to her boyfriend or her sister when they were both murder suspects.

Trish Wilkinson said she gave police a false statement that boyfriend Mark Graham confessed to being involved in the killing of Asian Mohammed Sharif.

She claimed she wanted to make a retraction, but Cleveland CID detectives told her that if she changed her story she would be charged with conspiracy.

Mr Graham, 23, and Pamela Wilkinson, 24, appeared at Teesside Crown Court, with Pamela's former partner Stephen Ham, 31, and Jonathan Embleton, 25.

James Spencer, prosecuting, told the court that, acting together, they murdered Mr Sharif, aged 68, after he disturbed them at his home in Garnet Street, Middlesbrough.

The Pakistani choked to death from severe blows to his neck on April 21 last year. He also had four broken ribs, a fractured eyebone and bruises all over his body.

Mr Graham, Ms Wilkinson and Mr Ham, who all lived in Stamford Street, Middlesbrough, and Embleton, of no fixed address, deny murder. The trial continues today.