AN actor is hoping his 15 minutes of fame are just round the corner after earning a place in a world famous acting academy.

Brian Lonsdale, from Crook, has been accepted into the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA).

The performer was bitten by the acting bug when he joined Crook amateur drama group, Glenholme Theatre, at nine years old.

Chairman Aaron Hicks said they suspected Brian would go far.

"We're all made up for him - he's done really well. You could tell he had a lot of talent when he was at Glenholme."

Brian presently works with another Crook theatre company, Jack Drum Arts, but before that he worked in a shoe shop, where he said he would rehearse scripts even as customers were trying on shoes.

He said: "I had just been turned down by two other drama schools, but RADA was the place I wanted to go.

"Most people had to do two or three auditions, but I just did one and they phoned me up the next day to tell me I had been accepted. I'm still on a high."

Brian is looking for people to sponsor him through his training. If you can help, contact him on (01388) 763020