PLANS have been unveiled to attract millions of pounds of investment into one of Britain's fastest growing cities.

The ten-point millennium plan details schemes to boost Sunderland city centre for shopping, business and housing, while providing a boost for a thriving new evening economy.

About £200m is being invested in the city centre with the expansion of the Bridges shopping centre, the restoration of the Victorian Mowbray Park and the creation of the spectacular new Winter Gardens.

New housing projects are planned and cash will be invested in the regeneration of streets east of Fawcett Street.

Business will also be given grants for security and the riverside will become a focus for regeneration.

It is also planned to attract more specialist shops, restaurants and bars to the city centre.

Yesterday experts met at the Swallow Hotel in Sunderland for the city's first Fresh Thinking summit.

The event attracted major property developers and agents as well as specialists in design and planning.

They were taken on helicopter tours to view prospective development sites and taken on a coach tour of the city centre.

The final strategy will be launched in the autumn.