WORK on a housing development has come to a temporary halt, after a rabbit gave birth to a litter of eight in a pile of sand.

Builders at the Clarion Homes site on Wynyard Estate, near Billingham, Teesside, discovered the litter yesterday morning when a bricklayer went to fill the cement mixer with sand from the one-ton pile.

Fortunately for the young residents, he saw them just in time and prevented a disaster.

Site manager Dave Errington immediately ordered the workmen to get the sand from a less sensitive area until new stocks arrive tomorrow.

He said: "I've been in the building trade for a long time and have never seen anything quite like this.

"I've made special arrangements with the lads so the nest isn't disturbed.

"They need a decent chance in life. We are used to new families moving in around here, but they usually wait until the house is complete."