A STORM of protest by neighbours has greeted a pub landlord's plans to stage night-time entertainment.

People living next to the Oasis pub, Talbot Street, Tilery Estate, Stockton, are already unhappy at noise from entertainment, and predict the disturbance will worsen if the plan is approved.

Colin Simpson, the manager of the Oasis, has applied to Stockton Borough Council for an entertainment licence to stage events on Monday to Tuesday, from 7pm to 11pm, on Wednesday, from 2pm to 11pm, and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 7pm to midnight.

The council's licensing officers have said the landlord must ensure noise is minimised so as not to annoy residents, if the licence is approved by councillors.

But a family which lives close to the pub said the noise was already bad enough.

Another neighbour, in Haswell Court, said: "It is an absolute nightmare with the noise. One of the main problems is the opening of the pub back door during the summer, which makes the noise unbearable. It sometimes sounds like there's a disco in our front room.

"The other problem is the behaviour of customers. They shout all the way up Ware Street and Talbot Street, and here in Haswell Court. They use foul language and fight."

The licence application will be considered on Tuesday.