A JOBS office is back open for business after an £80,000 refit.

For the past four months the Careers Centre in Peterlee, County Durham, has undergone extensive refurbishment work.

The alterations have transformed the expanded premises in the town's Ridgemount House into an open plan suite occupying the whole of the block's third floor.

The office has private interview facilities and a modern careers resource centre complete with interactive computer databases offering accurate, up-to-date education, training and employment opportunities.

Employers and training providers will be invited to make use of the interview rooms and to take advantage of the back-up services provided by the trained staff.

Val Taylor, careers service manager at the centre, said: "We are delighted with the new centre. It is a big investment and I think it reflects well the quality of service we want to provide for people in east Durham."

The centre is open from 8.30am during the week.