A HOSPICE in Darlington hopes to make its community brighter next week when it launches its latest fundraising event.

St Teresa's Hospice, which serves the town and surrounding area, will stage its Wear Yellow Day next Friday.

The day coincides with the end of the annual Help the Hospices Sunflower Appeal, which was launched by Darlington Mayor, Councillor Dot Long.

Hospice fundraisers are busy contacting schools and offices throughout the district, and are keen to hear from anyone who would like to join in the fun.

Suggestions include holding a school casual day with pupils wearing yellow; businessmen can brighten darks suits by wearing a yellow tie or shirt; shops can have yellow window displays, and everyone can wear a sunflower emblem.

The challenge is to come up with the brightest idea.

Hospice director Jane Bradshaw said: "On top of raising lots of much needed cash for St Teresa's, the Wear Yellow Day will be an opportunity to get out of the usual rut and have a bit of fun.

"Hospices throughout the country take part in this annual sunflower appeal.

"It is an opportunity to raise the profile of the hospice movement, of which St Teresa's is a member, and to tell people about the fantastic work which the hospice does in our own area."