YOUNGSTERS in the North-East are being encouraged to stop being couch potatoes and take part in the National Children's Fitness Weekend.

As part of the scheme, children in east Cleveland are taking part in a variety of activities at Pursglove Leisure Centre, in Guisborough.

The centre is launching an action packed programme today as part of the national Reader Rabbit Kids for Life campaign, which is also raising cash for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.

Children throughout the North-East, aged between four and 11, will be taking part in a day-long programme of activities.

Hilary Day, manager of the centre, said: "There is a serious purpose behind the fun. Recent reports have highlighted that as many as one in five four-year-old children in this country are overweight and one in five are obese.

"The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the need to keep children active from a young age, and to provide an introduction to activities taking place at our centre, as well as promoting the message of active living from an early age.

"It's great we can raise money for charity at the same time as encouraging children to get fit for life!"