MAGISTRATES' court staff across County Durham are to be given training aimed at helping them to save the lives of heart attack victims.

The North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust has joined forces with the County of Durham Magistrates' Court Committee to launch the training scheme.

It involves more than 100 people who work at the seven magistrates courts in County Durham receiving training on how to use a defibrillator by staff from the trust.

It is aimed at ensuring the workers are prepared if they are faced with a life threatening situation.

Health Secretary Alan Milburn, who launched the defibrillator initiative at Darlington Magistrates' Court yesterday, said he thought the scheme was a good idea.

"The defibrillator will hopefully make a difference and if it helps to save just one life it will have been worth it.

"Getting them into places like magistrates court is vital because one in five heart attacks take place in public."