BUDDING young film-makers have framed Durham Police's drive to recruit more part-time bobbies.

Final year students on New College Durham's GNVQ advanced media, communications and production course have produced a ten-minute video that will be used throughout the force in campaigns to attract special constables.

The video, the first of its kind in the force, focuses on the recruitment procedure for specials, training and patrol work.

It includes interviews with two of the force's 160 volunteer officers, who talk about the satisfaction they get from the job, and comments from regular officers about the work that specials do.

The video is accompanied by posters produced by graphic design students.

The 20 youngsters involved, aged 16 to 18, have been given certificates by North-West Durham MP and Local Government Minister Hilary Armstrong in recognition of their efforts.

She said: "It is refreshing to see young people working in partnership with the police to the benefit of the wider community.

"The students have clearly adopted a very professional attitude to the project throughout and devoted a lot of time and hard work to ensure the finished products reached a very high standard."

Assistant Divisional Officer David Carr, a special constable based at Chester-le-Street, said: "The partnership between the college and the force worked very well and brought benefits to both sides.

"It provided us with a wealth of artistic talent and gave the students a project to work towards while getting to know more about the police.