A NORTH-East pigeon fancier's birds have proved a lucky catch for a Liverpool children's hospital.

Former miner Les Wooff, of South Green, Staindrop, near Darlington, donated two of his young pigeons to an auction held in Northwich, Cheshire, which raised £2,500 for the family accommodation unit at Liverpool's Alderhay Hospital.

Mr Wooff, 61, has been training and racing piegons for 53 years and regularly gives away young birds - or squabs as they are known - for charity auctions.

He keeps about 100 pigeons at his home and his wife Joan, son Colin and daughter Cheryl all lend a hand to look after the feathered fliers.

Mr Wooff, who worked at Shildon and Evenwood pits, said: "It's a real team effort. I've kept pigeons since 1947 and have been donating them to charities for years.

"We've done well with the birds over the years. They have been top fliers in the West Durham Amalgamation five times before."