THE traditional image of a workingmen's club is set to change thanks to a new Teesside health project.

A health roadshow is being held at the Eston and Normanby Workingmen's Club to provide essential information for men who are reluctant to seek advice.

The Teesside Health Action Zone and Tees, North-East and Yorkshire NHS Trust are funding the roadshow and have employed club member Mick Johnstone to act as a link between the health service and the members.

A spokeswoman for the scheme said: "Men are notoriously reluctant to seek health advice and information so a project has been launched to take health information into the male bastions of Teesside workingmen's clubs.

"As part of the pilot scheme Mick Johnstone has been talking to fellow club members about the types of health information and advice they would like."

The first roadshow will be held on Wednesday and there will be a wide range of health help available including blood pressure checks, advice on weight loss and men's cancers.

The roadshow is open to all local men, as well as club members. Secretaries of workingmen's clubs throughout Middlesbrough have also been invited to see if they would like to get involved in similar projects.

On Wednesday, July 5, a health and humour night is being run by the project where club members will be invited to take part in a health quiz and laughter clinic, as well as having a health MOT, courtesy of an occupational health nurse.