Detective Superintendent Ray Mallon last night called for the man who suspended him from duty to return to the UK to face a public inquiry.

Speaking to The Northern Echo, Det Supt Mallon demanded that former assistant chief constable Robert Turnbull should return from his Caribbean home immediately.

Mr Turnbull became the £40,000-a-year Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Commissioner of Police after quitting his Cleveland Police job before his contract expired. He took a golden handshake worth £180,000 and a £50,000-a-year pension.

Asked if Mr Turnbull should return to the UK, Det Supt Mallon said: "Absolutely, I am quite prepared to answer questions regarding to my conduct and I believe it's right that Mr Turnbull and others should also be held accountable."

Since Det Supt Mallon was cleared by Operation Lancet, pressure has mounted on Cleveland Chief Constable Barry Shaw to welcome him back to the force.

Det Supt Mallon has denied that alleged bad feeling from other Cleveland police officers would put him off returning to his job.

He said: "I am of the opinion that the vast majority of police officers do not have a problem with Ray Mallon, there's only a minority who do. I will have no problem going back to work and if anyone else does, that is their problem."

While in charge of Cleveland Police, Ray Mallon was dubbed Robocop because of his Zero Tolerance approach that led to a dramatic drop in crime.

He has pledged to repeat his crime fighting success if he is reinstated, but said: "It's the workforce that cut crime not just me. They have done it before and I am sure they will do it again."