A SEX beast was branded a danger to the public by a court after a sickening attack on a five-year-old girl.

Kevin Brogan, 35, of Cairo Street, Sunderland, was placed on the Sex Offenders' Register for life after the court heard how he had previously been jailed for a similar attack on a young girl.

Newcastle Crown Court heard he attacked the youngster in June last year, but the attack only came to light three months later when the youngster told her mother.

Brogan had been jailed for four years in 1989 after indecently assaulting a youngster at a house in Southwick, Sunderland, during which he had exposed himself and performed indecent acts with the child.

Psychological experts told the court they thought Brogan would not respond to treatment and he was "a danger to the public".

Judge Guy Whitburn QC ordered Brogan to be placed in a psychiatric hospital for an unlimited time.