VILLAGERS on the outskirts of Darlington are pressing for proposed overhead power lines to be put underground.

Northern Electric is proposing a 1km, 11,000-volt line between Neasham and Dinsdale, near Darlington.

The new line is needed to meet the increased demand from customers in both villages and to give a better quality of supply.

But the proposals have not gone down well with villagers, who are concerned about the high visibility of the proposed line.

They recognise the need for a better supply, but feel the lines should go underground.

Councillor John Weighell, chairman of Neasham Parish Council, said: "We have not seen the full plans but I think most people would prefer to see the lines go underground instead of overground.

"We will be discussing the proposal at the next meeting of the parish council and any comments will be passed on to Darlington Borough Council."

Another villager, who asked not to be named, said: "I think the lines would be an eyesore, and from the people I have spoken to in both Neasham and Dinsdale, nobody likes the idea of them."

Northern Electric's proposal has gone before Darlington council for comment, before being passed to the Department of Trade and Industry for approval. If the overhead line, supported by 11 wooden poles, is approved, work is likely to start in the autumn.

But the DTI would be able to ask Northern Electric to reconsider its plans if it felt residents' concerns were justified.

Northern Electric said the main reason why underground lines were not immediately considered was that such a scheme would cost five times more.