RESIDENTS have reacted angrily to proposals for a community centre to be allowed to play music seven nights a week.

Staff at the Thorntree Youth and Community Centre in Birkhall Road, Middlesbrough will discover today if their application for an entertainment licence has been accepted.

If it is passed the centre will be allowed to hold music events from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 11pm and on Sundays from 2pm to 10.30pm.

A petition from Thorntree community council and residents in the street will be presented to Middlesbrough council's licensing committee this morning with letters of protest and photographs showing Birkhall Road blocked by cars.

People living there claim the centre already disrupts their lives with noise and increased traffic and are asking the council to reject the application.

One resident said: "There is enough commotion when events finish at 9pm with boys and girls screaming and swearing at each other from one end of the road to the other. Where are all these extra vehicles going to park?

"This road is very busy now with taxis, cars and even coaches. Have we to wait until someone is killed before this is put to an end?

"There is always some scheme or other going on and we seem to have to accept all the noise.

"These are our homes and we should be allowed to live in peace."

The centre is used four times a week for a youth club and regular residents' association meetings as well as for events such as youth discos.

A report to the committee says that officials from the centre have been interviewed by the council prior to today's meeting.

The report said: "They explained that the photographs were in relation to a once a year event organised through Community Safety involving school and police.

"They appreciate local concerns and have tried to ensure minimal disturbance.

"They are happy to work with the noise team to ensure no noise nuisance is caused."

If councillors agree to the entertainment licence the centre will be ordered to produce a noise management programme to set a maximum level to ensure residents are not disturbed.