PREPARATIONS are under way to submit a multi-million pound bid to improve Darlington's transport system.

The bid for government money by Darlington Borough Council is being submitted as part of the Darlington Local Transport Plan.

The authority is seeking £20m to implement a range of transport schemes.

These include major improvements to North Road and the long-awaited completion of the Darlington cross-town route.

The bid has been prepared after widespread consultation with local people and businesses. Councillor Nick Wallis, who has responsibility for highways and transport in Darlington council's cabinet, believes the five-year plan will benefit everyone in the town.

"We are aware of the requirement from Government to promote alternative forms of transport, as well as improving the roads for motorists," he said.

"We have been very careful to take car users into account, and believe we have come up with a package of measures which will suit everyone in Darlington."

"Our suggestions have been welcomed by local residents and businesses in the town and their views have been very positive."

Among the proposals in the plan include the building of the cross-town route, which would link the town to the A66, near the David Mach's brick train sculpture.

The scheme was first mooted in the 1970s.

Although Darlington Borough Council owns most of the land involved in the project, it would still need to make compulsory purchase orders to acquire the rest. If the funding is granted, work could start on the cross-town route in 2002.

Other schemes proposed in the transport plan include making further improvements to North Road, continuing with Safer Routes to School schemes, the introduction of a walking and cycling strategy, highways and bridge maintenance and ensuring the transport needs of villages are met.

Coun Wallis said: "This is an attempt not to look at cars or buses in isolation, but to see how we can improve roads, pavements, footpaths and other areas for all concerned."

The transport plan will be discussed by the town's Transport Forum tonight, before going before the cabinet.

If it is approved, the bid will be submitted to the Government next month and a decision is expected by the end of the year