Lessons in life-saving are starting today for thousands of Teesside children.

Over the next two weeks more than 2,000 ten and 11-year-olds are to attend the Crucial Crew scheme.

Different agencies are teaming up to show children how to avoid dangerous situations in the home and at play and what to do if they find themselves in danger, particularly over the summer holidays.

Sergeant Ian Hutchinson, of Cleveland Police, said: "We have set up nine accident scenarios all dealing with different emergencies.

"The children spend 10 minutes with experts in each scenario and we hope by the end of the day they will come away with clear messages about how to avoid danger and what to do in an emergency.

"The summer holidays are just a few weeks away and we want to show the youngsters what dangers they could face if they are not careful.

"It is in those six to eight weeks when children are not always supervised that something is more likely to happen."

The pupils, from 48 primary schools, will be allowed to make a mock-999 call to prepare them for a real emergency situation.

Sgt Hutchinson said: "The phone will link up to a mock-up call station and will be manned by officers. It will give the children a little bit of experience in making an emergency call so if they ever have to do it they will know what to expect."

The safety advice covers situations involving water, the roads and in the home.

Crucial Crew is held at the Connections Campus, Redcar College.