A CHILLING tale of hidden treasure, stored deep in an underground tunnel and guarded by a huge raven has been unearthed at the Guisborough Branch walkway.

A chest, laden with gold is said to have been stored in the tunnel which ran from Guisborough Priory to the foot of the Guisborough Forest, and despite repeated attempts the huge black bird always protected it.

The best known bid to retrieve the gold was by a cobbler who carried a roll of sheep's wool through the tunnel to try to ensure his safe escape. But, as the story goes, the raven transformed into the Devil, swooped to terrorise the cobbler who fled and was never seen again.

A group of storytellers and guides helped bring the legend to life at a Myths and Legends day in Guisborough yesterday.

Having enjoyed a craft session to make masks, puppets and musical instruments families were introduced to the legend and then taken on a guided walk of the area