WARDENS may be taken on to reduce crime and vandalism in run-down areas of Derwentside.

The district council's cabinet will today consider plans to employ six neighbourhood wardens at Burnhope, Dipton, Catchgate and Annfield Plain, South Moor and South Stanley, Leadgate, and The Grove and Moorside areas of Consett.

The council hopes the scheme will reduce crime and the fear of it, deter anti-social behaviour, help care for the areas' appearance and foster social inclusion.

The police-trained wardens would patrol their areas, keeping an eye out for any crime and spotting environmental or maintenance problems.

They would deal with minor incidents of anti-social behaviour and neighbourhood disputes, check on empty buildings, visit vulnerable council tenants, and provide a contact and information point for tenants.

The scheme is expected to cost £179,000 a year to run, but the council could get half the cost from the Home Office.

Housing Associations with properties could also be asked to put money into the scheme.

If a bid for Home Office funding is successful, the scheme would run for a three-year trial period. If it proves successful, it could be extended to other areas.

Director of public services Mike Clark said the wardens could save the council money it has to spend on boarding up empty homes and repairing vandalism.

They could also boost rental income if fewer people moved house, and houses stood empty for less time.

He said: "These officers would contribute to achieving the central aims of Derwentside's Crime and Disorder Strategy - to encourage all parts of the community to participate in making Derwentside feel safer and be safer."