FILM fans from the region have hit out at Hollywood's latest attempts to recreate British film history.

Plans to Americanise two of the classic Ealing comedies - hot on the heels of a remake of Tyneside-made thriller Get Carter - look set to be equally as unpopular with buffs.

A new version of Kind Hearts and Coronets is expected to star black actor Will Smith in the role of Louis Mazzini, originally played by Dennis Price.

And zany Robin Williams is tipped to replace Sir Alec Guinness as the eight members of Mazzini's distant family, the D'Ascoynes.

Little is known of the remake of The Ladykillers, which is being written by Joel and Ethan Coen, directors of such films as Fargo and Miller's Crossing.

Film buff Tony Hillman, from Darlington, said: "It is absolutely stupid when you've got films such as the Ealing Comedies that are considered classics. How on earth can you better them.

"I can't understand the mentality.

"It's the same as other remakes that have been done over the last few years. The remakes are never as good as the original, partly because you don't have the same class of actors."

However, Mark Dobson, chief executive of Newcastle's Tyneside Cinema, said: "I think it's great that films are remade. Sometimes they are fantastic and sometimes they aren't."