THIEVES and vandals threatened to drive prestigious Darlington Dog Show out of town after more than a century, it was revealed last night.

Marquees have been slashed with knives, and goods have been stolen from trade stalls.

The problems got so bad that after last year's event organisers considered moving the show to another town.

But following talks with the council and police, beefed-up security will see the show - known as the Crufts of the North - continue in Darlington's South Park.

Maureen Hennis, chairwoman of the Darlington Championship Dog Show, said: "We did consider moving out of Darlington because of all the problems, and that would have been a great shame.

"It's just mindless vandalism and it's sad as far as the show is concerned because we plough money back into the town and yet we still have these problems."

Organisers have employed a new security firm for this year's event, which will be held over three days from September 15, and there will be more uniformed and plain-clothed security officers on duty.

There will also be an increased police presence, improved security fencing will be put up and the whole site will be covered by CCTV cameras.

The cost of the extra security measures runs into tens of thousands of pounds, and the show organisers have had to increase entry fees for exhibitors by £1.

A spokesman for Darlington Borough Council said the authority would do whatever it could to ensure the show stays in the town. "A mindless minority are putting the show in jeopardy but we hope the procedures which are being put in place will put a stop to any further trouble," he said.

A spokesman for Durham Constabulary said:"This year, there will be a discreet, but effective, police presence with uniformed and plain-clothed officers on duty and we hope it nip the problems in the bud."

More than 10,000 dogs are expected to take part in this year's show, which is open to overseas owners for the first time.