SKODA driver Derek Dobson escaped being banned yesterday after being clocked speeding four times in less than an hour.

Disabled Mr Dobson, who has a damaged spine, broke the 30mph limit four times in 58 minutes.

When he realised he had been caught, he defiantly stuck up his middle finger at a police officer.

Magistrates showed leniency when he told them his car was his lifeline, giving him a £200 fine and 12 penalty points, three for each offence

A police roadside camera first recorded Mr Dobson travelling at 40mph in his M-reg Skoda Favorit as he took it to a garage.

He was then nabbed doing 40mph back to his home in Micklow Close, Redcar, in a courtesy car.

But, realising he had left his orange disabled parking badge in his Skoda, he returned to the garage - and was spotted doing 45mph. A few minutes later he was clocked doing 51mph by amazed PC James Banks.

At the previous hearing before Teesside magistrates, the 44-year-old Neighbourhood Watch coordinator pleaded guilty by letter to four speeding offences on the Broadway, Grangetown, Middlesbrough, last February. He told the court he had a heart problem and could not use public transport because of his spinal condition.

He was warned by the court any further offences would lead to an immediate ban.

A CPS source said after the case: "Four speeding offences in an hour is a record for us.