CRIME scene investigators have moved into a new era with the delivery of a purpose-built vehicle.

Northumbria Police's new Sci-Lab will be sent to major crime scenes and is the first of its kind in the UK.

The specially-built Mercedes will enhance the ability of scientific officers to protect the integrity of scenes of serious crime.

Detective Chief Superintendent David Wilson said: "This is advanced technology, which is taking the laboratory to the scene of the crime, instead of the other way around."

Chief Constable Crispian Strachan said: "Northumbria Police is driving crime down all the time, and accurate scientific detection is crucial to us.

"The vehicle will help us to preserve and use evidence in the best possible way, especially for serious crime scenes." The Sci-Lab will carry all technical equipment required at a serious crime scene, providing a clean, dry working environment for examination, packaging and secure storage of exhibits and samples.

This on-the-spot preservation of exhibits and samples will greatly reduce the opportunity of contamination of what could prove to be vital evidence in detecting a serious crime.