RETIRED headteacher Reginald Slater is proving it's never to late to learn by studying a computing course at the age of 90.

Mr Slater, whose teaching career spanned 40 years from 1930 to 1970, the past 20 years spent as a headteacher at schools in Oxhill, Bloemfontein and finally Annfield Plain, said his family had encouraged him to take up an information technology course.

Reg's course at Derwentside College's Langley Park Centre coincides with an announcement by Minister for Lifelong Learn-ing Malcolm Wicks, who has launched a quest to find England's oldest learner.

Mr Wicks said: "Retirement can last 20 or 30 years and I want to encourage people in later life to return to study or learn something they have always wanted to do. Retirement should be the new learning age."

Mr Slater, whose other hobbies include bowls and bridge, said: "I think it is important to learn how to use a computer. If you don't make the effort and have a go, you are going to be left behind."

Mr Slater, who has always been interested in gadgets, said: "It's such an exciting time to be living in and as soon as I feel sufficiently competent, I shall buy one of these wonderful tools."