HILDA Tinsley was inundated with gifts and flowers yesterday on her 104th birthday.

A party was held to mark the occasion at Rockcliffe Court, Hurworth, near Darlington, a sheltered housing complex where she has lived for the last 12 years.

The celebration was organised by Ms Tinsley's key worker, Avril Sozi, who helps to look after her and takes her on shopping trips.

Ms Sozi said: "Hilda had many of her friends and family visiting for the party, which she enjoyed very much.

"There were flowers and a cake, and even a message from Middlesbrough Football Club which was signed by manager Bryan Robson.

Ms Tinsley was born in Redcar, in 1896, when Queen Victoria was on the throne and Lord Salisbury was prime minister.

She celebrated her 18th birthday in 1914, the year the First World War broke out.

Ms Sozi said Ms Tinsley had a very good idea what the secret is to her long life.

"Hilda puts it down to the fact that she has never smoked, and likes a drink a day. She has a brandy, a whisky or a half pint of lager each day. She's a very independent and capable lady," she said.

l Laura Harrison was a young girl when she became a nun. She took her vows in Scotland in 1917 and became Sister Colette.

Now she has celebrated her 106th birthday in the Poor Clare Convent in Darlington.

Her special day was marked by a visit from Archbishop Keith O'Brien, who lives in Edinburgh.

He said: "Sister Colette is a wonderful woman, who has proved she was not so delicate that she could not live the life of a Poor Clare to the full.

"I was delighted to celebrate Mass for her, and I have promised I will be back down to Darlington when she reaches 110."