A FORMER vet is among nine people who will be ordained into the Church of England's newest diocese at services this weekend.

Two men and two women will become deacons in the diocese of Ripon and Leeds in a service at Ripon Cathedral, led by Bishop of Knaresborough the Right Reverend Frank Weston, on Sunday.

And five people will be ordained as priests in the diocese after serving a year as curates.

John Beckett, 37, a former vet, is one of the four people who will become deacons, and will serve in the parish of St Mark's, in Harrogate.

Also on Sunday, Christ Church, Harrogate, will hold the ordination of a woman as priest for the first time since its foundation in 1749.

Former Bishop of Durham, the Right Reverend David Jenkins will ordain the Reverend Charlotte Truman, who has been a curate at Christ Church for the past year.

Dr Jenkins will also ordain the Reverend Gary Scott as priest at Richmond Parish Church.

The number of people being ordained in the Church of England has risen for the past five years, with 439 deacons to be ordained this weekend, compared to 396 last year.