THE hunt is on for folklore and reminiscences about the Headland area of Hartlepool.

Several public meetings are being lined up next month to help develop a public arts and environmental improvement strategy for the Headland area.

To come up with a strategy that will capture the spirit and history of the area, the project team needs to tap into memories and popular folklore.

These will be used as the inspiration for improvements, which could range from decorative railings and public art work, to larger community-led projects. Whatever is decided, they will be sympathetic to the Headland's heritage.

The meetings are being arranged by the Landmark Partnership, the consultants appointed by the North Hartlepool Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) Partnership to develop the strategy.

The consultants will also be talking to local groups including the Headland Historic Society and Headland Parish Council.

The work is funded through the SRB.

Steve Laws, of the Landmark Partnership said: "We want to identify a number of themes which we can use to develop improvements to the area.

"These themes might be maritime, folklore or perhaps stories about local characters."

Derek Gouldburn, North Hartlepool SRB Partnership manager, said: "It's important to the success of the improvement plans that as many people as possible come forward and share their recollections about the Headland's past.

"It's a real opportunity for them to celebrate their heritage.

"I'm sure there is a treasure chest of local stories still lying unopened and Headland people hold the key."