VIEWS of the region seeing in the year 2000 have won pride of place in a worldwide collection of millennium photographs.

Three scenes captured through the lens of photographer Lynne Otter were selected in an international project documenting the dawn of the new millennium.

Lynne gave up any personal celebrations to tour the North-East seeking evocative shots to sum up the mood and party atmosphere.

Two of her three pictures were picked among the best 50 of more than 6,000 entered, to appear in a book being compiled by the project organisers in Toronto, Canada.

Her three selected photos included one taken after spending hours riding on the Tyne and Wear Metro system in the hours leading up to midnight on December 31, 1999.

Boo to You features a cheeky youngster travelling with her sister and mother to a millennium eve party.

Fish and Chips and Feather Boas is a city centre scene in Newcastle of millennium revellers taking time out between Bigg Market bars for a bite to eat.

Her third picture, Millennium Dawn at the Angel, features daybreak on January 1 as witnessed by onlookers at the Angel of the North sculpture at Eighton Lodge, alongside the A1, at Gateshead.

Sheffield-born Lynne, who has been based in Newcastle for the past 11 years, said: "I just wanted to do something to participate in the millennium. I also get a percentage of sales of the book and the worldwide exposure I wouldn't otherwise have."

Lynne's work can be viewed by logging on to the project website