A LEADING North-East computer network specialist has relocated and is expanding due to the rise in e-business across the region.

Knowledge IT has just moved from premises in Chester-le-Street and relocated to a purpose-built facility at Crowther Industrial Estate, Washington.

The move coincides with a name change from Knowledge Business Systems to Knowledge IT.

The £5m turnover company, which currently employs around 35 people, is now undertaking a recruitment programme to expand its business support services.

For Knowledge, the move represents an investment of around £750,000. For existing and potential customers, the investment means they can access and keep up to date with technological change.

Customers can visit a new 'tech-lab' and trial products and systems.

Knowledge has been established for almost 20 years and is the North-East's leading integrator of business networking systems and products.

The company provides hardware and software solutions along with training and technical services.

The company now intends to develop its Internet and e-business arm.

Martin Coleman, sales director of Knowledge, said: "E-business is set to be a major growth area which local businesses must embrace if they want to remain in, or join, the region's top 200 companies."

Knowledge offers expertise in the five main areas that comprise a successful e-business strategy - web design, web development together with systems integration, financial systems, security and the establishment of an integrated and seamless electronic infrastructure.

Companies wanting general networking support or advice on developing and implementing an e-business strategy should contact Knowledge IT on (0191) 417 0099 or www.knowledgeit.co.uk