LIFE-SAVING demonstrations and valuable information will be on offer at an exhibition next week.

The Directions Information Service, which is used by thousands of people in County Durham each year, is putting on a display at County Hall, Durham City, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The service, part of the British Red Cross, has a database that covers social, health, family and disability issues, and can be contacted on a freephone helpline.

The exhibition will focus on the service it offers and the work of the Red Cross.

At 12.30pm each day, Red Cross first aiders will demonstrate cardiac pulmonary resuscitation skills and display heart defibrillation machines.

Directions manager Alison Gargett said: "We are hoping for a good turn-out by the public and professionals throughout the county.

"This will be an opportunity to see the Red Cross services together, and to see fully-trained personnel demonstrate life-saving techniques. Directions will be demonstrating the public access terminals, computers with touch-sensitive screens, as well as a directory of information covering six volumes.

"Alongside will be booklets of information ranging over many specialist subjects, such as holidays, leisure activities and sporting activities to name but a few."

The exhibition will be open each day from 11.30am to 2pm. To contact Directions call (0800) 393726.