A SEX attacker pushed his victim to the point of suicide when she tried to bury the horrors of abuse she suffered at his hands.

Arthur Thompson, 47, of Dene Terrace, Chilton, County Durham, subjected his young victim, from the age of six, to ten years of ritual sexual abuse.

The pain of what he did to her left her with anorexia and led her to try to take her own life in a "cry for help".

The abuse only came to light last year when the woman, now 32, broke down and told all to her brother.

Prosecutor Julie Clemitson told Newcastle Crown Court that Thompson rewarded his victim with 10p after abusing her and swearing her to secrecy.

The abuse only stopped when the girl was 16 after Thompson tried to force her to have sexual intercourse.

The court heard how the attacks on the woman, who is married with four children, ruined her life.

Thompson, who was married with three step-children, at first denied the assaults but later confessed.

He pleaded guilty yesterday to four charges of indecent assault and one of indecency with a child.

In mitigation, Eric Elliot told the court that Thompson was haunted by what he had done.

In letters to his victim and his wife, Thompson said he felt disgusted and ashamed, and apologized to his victim.

Thompson was jailed for three years by Judge William Crawford, QC.