AN appeal has been made for Middlesbrough residents to decide the future of an historic bell.

The South Bank Community Forum is asking the people of Middlesbrough for their views on the Bell Valve, in a secluded part of the South Bank Shopping Centre.

The bell, which is in the middle of an area of raised planters to the north of a youth club, could be moved as part of the redevelopment of the shopping centre, which is likely to continue in March 2001.

A spokesman for the forum sad: "There is a general feeling that the bell in this secluded location is a nuisance, due to the activity it attracts.

"One suggestion is that, using SRB funds, the bell is removed with the brick planter surrounding it, in order to open up the area and, hopefully, reduce the nuisance experienced."

The bell has historical significance for the area as it was used in the number two blast furnace at the Cargo Fleet Works.

The spokesman said: "There appears to be mixed feelings as to whether the bell should be kept or scrapped.

"If it is to be retained, then a decision needs to be made on where it should be positioned, either where it is now, or elsewhere in South Bank."

Residents have been asked for their opinions on the future of the bell and, depending on the cost of suggestions, a decision will be made on what to do with it.