HILDA Land has boundless energy which would put people half her age to shame.

Having taken her first aircraft flight at the age of 97, when she was holidaying in Benidorm, and a helicopter flight to mark her 100th birthday, she took her 104th birthday yesterday in her stride.

Staff at Howlish Hall Nursing Home, in Coundon, are constantly amazed at her enthusiasm, including her desire to make a parachute jump.

Joyce Spenceley, nursing home owner and matron, said: "She is a very remarkable lady for her age. She enjoys going out to the Methodist Church in Shildon. She enjoys television and watches any sport, including horse racing and football.

"To meet somebody of her age is not usual, but to meet somebody who is as able as her is special. She is very bright and lively."

The widow entertained her family at a special birthday party held in her honour at the nursing home.