A MAN whose daughter provided the inspiration for a facility for adults with learning disabilities has been given an exclusive preview of a new school.

Former Sunderland councillor Phillip Soldinger was shown around the soon-to-open Grindon Hall, which will become the new home of the Fulwell Grange Christian School at the end of this month. He was invited to the preview by headteacher Elizabeth Gray.

At the end of the last year, Mr Solidinger learned that Grindon Hall was to close, but was delighted to hear it was to be taken over by Fulwell Grange.

More than ten years ago Mr Soldinger, whose 15-year-old daughter had Down's syndrome, spearheaded a campaign to turn the 19th Century mansion into a facility for adults with learning disabilities.

In 1986, after five years of work, his vision came to life when the hall reopened as a unit for the mentally handicapped.

Sadly, his daughter, Susan Anne, died before she could see it, but her memory lives on, with a wall plaque above the staircase leading to the main hall.

He said: "I was delighted when I was invited to have a look around the new school.

"The hall is very dear to me and will make a lovely school.

"Whilst it has undergone renovations to create fantastic facilities for children, I am pleased to see that every effort has been made to maintain many of the original features."

Major structural work over the last five months has seen the creation of 15 large classrooms, two well-equipped science laboratories, an information technology room and a large outdoor playground.

Mrs Gray hopes to increase pupil numbers from 104 to 350 during the next five years.