THE North-East is a region of noisy neighbours according to a national survey revealing the number of complaints made about disturbance.

The National Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection says that noise complaints throughout the country show no sign of diminishing.

A survey by the society shows that complaints about loud music are on the increase, while dog barking, television noise, and DIY are also causing more and more problems.

More councils across the country are having to deal with noise complaints outside office hours, according to the survey

Councillor Ken Hall, of Middlesbrough Borough Council said: "These results come as not surprise. We deal with 1,200 complaints every year and the number is increasing.

"Our weekend noise service is kept very busy on Friday and Saturday nights, with 90 per cent of calls receiving a visit within 20 minutes.

"My message to people suffering noise nuisance is clear - give us a call and do not suffer in silence.

"The priority is to crack down on excessive noise and we will use the full force of the law against proven noise makers."