TELEVISION personality and Animal Hospital star Rolf Harris has been given the credit for the scores of new recruits seeking a place at a North East agricultural college.

Responding to the huge number of applications for its small animal care course, Houghall College is investing £1m in creating a new specialised centre at its Durham City campus.

Houghall has witnessed nearly a 100 per cent increase in student intake, with most applying for the specialised small animal care courses.

College Principal, Ian Prescott said: "Our research shows that the increase in TV programmes of a veterinary or animal welfare nature have raised people's awareness and interest in this area."

Mr Prescott confirmed that small animal care courses had actually trebled in terms of applications.

Houghall became part of the Community College group following its merger with East Durham Community College last year and the foundations for the new small animal unit were laid last week.

Further growth in other agricultural courses has been attributed to further investment in facilities such as a new milking parlour and an increase in the college's dairy herd.

Mr Prescott said: "Our Houghall operations had suffered through lack of investment over a number of years, but happily that's all behind us now and the students are voting with their feet."