A GROUP of disabled and able-bodied singers and dancers is winning praise for its entertaining performances.

The Making Music Project was launched in the Gilesgate area of Durham two years ago.

It brings together young people, aged 11 to 25, some of whom have learning difficulties, through their love of music and performing.

The group, which has 30 members, began performing at Gilesgate Comprehensive School.

Now it is playing at venues further afield, and its wide repertoire, ballads, sixties classics and the latest chart hits, is proving a big hit with audiences. Youth worker Pat Hill, who helped to set up the group, said: "Music is a great leveller.

"These young people with learning difficulties are equally as good at singing as the able-bodied."

The group will perform at Durham's Milburngate Shopping Centre on Saturday, at 11am.

On July 14, it will perform ballads at St Giles Church, Gilesgate, at 7.30pm, and the following day, will be at the Sherburn Road Fun Day, at the Laurel Avenue Community Centre, from 1pm to 3pm.