A FORMER pit village's new playground has been given a £92,650 boost by the Coalfields Regeneration Trust Partnership.

The money will be ploughed into Kids Zone at Coxhoe, near Durham City. It will pay for a CCTV system linked to the nearby Coxhoe Leisure Centre, an aerial runway and other equipment for older children, and also help with running costs over the next five years.

The playground has been developed over the past two years by Coxhoe Community Partnership, which has raised more than £228,582.

Barbara Hepplewhite, of the partnership, said: "There was a playground owned by Durham City Council on the site. It was overgrown, the equipment - two sets of swings, a slide and a seesaw - was old and the council couldn't afford to replace it. It was only used by a few children and people walking dogs."

The partnership, concerned there was nothing in the village for children, asked youngsters what they wanted included in the new park.

Now it is a popular haven for toddlers to teenagers.

Mrs Hepplewhite said: "We have counted 30 youngsters using it at 7.30 one evening in January, 50 on a fine summer evening and 80 on a fine weekend.

"Families from surrounding villages visit the area because there is nothing similar they can use in their own communities."

As well as play equipment, there is a picnic area and basketball court. The partnership hopes to raise money for five-a-side football goals.