A brewer and landlord reckons he has blended the finest ingredients in just the right way for just the right length of time to make the perfect pint - but he has just one problem.

Paul Conroy, of The Grey Horse, in Consett, can't think what to call the lager he has manufactured in his pub brewery. So he is asking his regulars and the people of the county to think of a name before the start of the beer festival on the August Bank Holiday weekend.

Whoever comes up with the winning name will receive a watering can-full - two gallons - of the brew.

Sales of real ale have risen from one firkin of beer a week to 15 since award-winning Paul and his wife, Rosaline, began brewing their own ales two and a half years ago.

"We hope to sell this new beer regularly after our festival," said Mr Conroy. "We've done a test beer, but the finished product won't be ready until just before the festival."

Anyone with an idea for naming the new beer can call into the pub, in Sherburn Terrace before the festival.