A CONTROVERSIAL late-night radio phone-in host who offended listeners with a foul-mouthed rant on air has been reinstated by his station.

Mike "The Mouth" Elliott was taken off the air in the middle of his Century Radio show earlier this year after an expletive-riddled outburst.

But he returned to the microphone on Tuesday night after he reassured station bosses and listeners that he would curb his language.

The outburst that got him the axe was initially blamed on too much alcohol, but the presenter insists a combination of cough-medicine and two glasses of wine made him intoxicated.

With tongue firmly in cheek, a Century Radio spokesman said: "The icon is back, but the drinks cabinet is locked."

The presenter is no stranger to controversy. He was suspended in 1995 for swearing at a woman caller who said she was a benefits swindler.

On that occasion, he was reinstated after fans staged a demonstration outside the station's Gateshead headquarters.

Speaking before last night's show, Mike said: "I really missed the show when I was off the air. I am chuffed to bits that Century have asked me to return to the show

"I put five years of my life into that show and I consider it something of my baby.

"I threw myself into other projects like stand-up and acting, but I jumped at the chance when they asked me back."

A spokesman for Century Radio said listener power helped reinstate the presenter. He said: "We had lots of calls and letters from listeners who wanted him back so we are responding to their wishes."